We had a strange sensation, as if time had stopped...
"Located 55 km from Huelva, in the municipality of Almonte, the charming town of El Rocio looks like a movie set straight out of a Western film. Its wide, sandy streets connect unique houses with broad verandas, and in front of each one, you'll find... a hitching post for tying up horses...
The town is the destination of an annual pilgrimage that takes place on Pentecost Day, drawing around a million pilgrims from across Europe who journey on foot, horseback, or in elaborately decorated horse-drawn wagons.

How it all began
Legend has it that in the 15th century, a hunter from Villamanrique de la Condesa set out near the village of Las Rocinas for a hunt. Following the barking pack of dogs, he thought they were leading him to a wounded animal and entered a place full of thorns, weeds, unfriendly to both humans and animals. Unexpectedly, among the thorns, by the trunk of a wild olive tree, he saw a painting depicting a beautiful figure in a white linen tunic, shimmering with light and love... 👀 The hunter decided to take the painting to the nearby Alamote, but feeling tired along the way, he decided to rest. Upon awakening, he realized that the painting had disappeared, so he quickly returned to the place where he first saw it, and he wasn't mistaken, as the painting was shining beautifully by the olive tree trunk.
In summary, along with the local religious authorities, it was decided to build a small chapel at the site with the painting placed on the original trunk. And so began the cult of the Virgin of Las Rocinas (locally referred to as La Blanca Paloma), whose likeness can be found on all kinds of souvenirs in the area.
Originally, the chapel in the Mudéjar style was built around the year 1300, but it did not survive a powerful earthquake in 1755. After numerous reconstructions, the current temple, Ermita de Nuestra Señora de El Rocío, was blessed on April 12, 1969, and is the work of architects Antonio Delgado y Roiga, and Alberto Balbontín de Orta.
It is interesting to note that El Rocio was visited by Pope John Paul II in 1993
W samym centrum znajduje się sala świec – Sala de Velas & Dom Kultury El Rocio, w którym można dowiedzieć się więcej o tym jakże interesującym miejscu na zachodzie Andaluzji.
The houses surrounding the Hermitage were primarily built with the numerous pilgrims in mind, many of whom decided to establish their own properties here.
The whole scene looks incredibly atmospheric. We had a strange sensation, as if time had stopped, or as if we were extras on a movie set. Right next to the town stretches the green border of the famous Doñana Park🌿🦅
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