Smak Hiszpańskiego Lata: Autentyczny Przepis Na Gazpacho!

A Taste of the Spanish Summer: the Authentic Gazpacho Recipe!

Explore Various Varieties of Gazpacho and Uncover the Finest Andalusian Recipe!

🍅 The description of making this soup is essential. The famous chilled soup - Gazpacho - has won the hearts of food enthusiasts and those seeking ease in preparation, owing to its delicious taste and simple method. One of the most popular variations is the Andalusian style - Gazpacho Andaluz - which relies on ripe, soft tomatoes. It typically involves the addition of vinegar, olive oil, garlic, bell peppers, green cucumber, spices, and bread. All these ingredients are blended manually or with the help of a mixer.

Some argue that the soup made its way to Andalusia with the Moors, while other historians claim its origins trace back to the Romans. Either way, indisputably, it's the perfect proposal for a hot, southern summer. jest to idealna propozycja na gorące, południowe lato.

Gazpacho comes in several variations depending on the region within Andalusia where it's prepared:

  • In the province of Cordoba, restaurant menus often feature 'salmorejo cordobes' - a variation of the basic recipe that includes ham and eggs.
  • In the province of Malaga, apart from the traditional gazpacho, you can try 'porra antequerana'. It's served with hard-boiled eggs, tuna in olive oil, Spanish ham, and cherry tomatoes as toppings.
  • Gazpacho tostado Meanwhile, this soup, served warm, contains an addition of oranges or orange juice.
  • In eastern Andalusia, 'ajo blanco' is popular - here, you won't find tomatoes. The original flavor comes from almonds ground with garlic, olive oil, and bread.

Idealne andaluzyjskie Gazpacho – przepis dla 4 osób:

  • 1 kg of very ripe, sweet tomatoes
  • 70 g of cucumber
  • 40 g of onion
  • 1 ząbek czosnku
  • 50 g of olive oil
  • 30 g of wine vinegar
  • 350 ml of cold water
  • slice of white bread
  • pepper/salt

How to do it:

Put the ingredients in the blender, add enough water for the consistency not to be too thin - Y YA! (and that's it...;))


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